Car Rental App Figma UI Kit | App UI Kit

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Car Rental App Figma UI Kit | App UI Kit

Screen List
-Welcome Screen
-Onboarding Screens
-Sign In, Create Account, Verify code, New Password
-Complete Your Profile
-Your Location, Enter Location, Enable Notification
-Car Details ( About, Gallery, Review )
-Book Car, Book Car ( Your Info), Payment Methods, Add Card, Review Summary, Payment Sucess
-Favourite, Remove From Favourite
-Leave Review
-My Booking (Upcoming, Completed, Cancelled)
-Cancel Car Rental, Navigation to Pickup, Get Direction, Arrived at Location, OTP Verification
-Navigation to Pickup, Get Direction, Arrived at Location, OTP Verification
-Popular Car from Home See All
-Chat, Chat Details
-Video Call, Voice Call
-Rental Partner Details ( About, Cars)
-Arrived at Car Return Location, OTP Verification
-Profile, Your Profile, Settings, Payment Methods, Wallet, Add Money, Top Up E-Wallet, Top Up Success, Password Manager, Help Center, Privacy Policy, Invite Friends, Logout

Note : Images are Not Included in Attached Figma File

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Figma File where 60+ Screens are there..

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Car Rental App Figma UI Kit | App UI Kit

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