
Job Finder Mobile App Design Figma UI Kit

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Job Finder Mobile App Design Figma UI Kit


Job Finder Mobile App Design Figma UI Kit 70+ Screens

Screen List
-Splash Screen
-Welcome Screen
-Onboarding Screens
-Sign In, Create Account, Verify Code, New Password, Complete Your Profile Screens
-Preference (Job Type, Level of Experience, Working Model, Job Title) Screens
-Location Access, Manual Location Access, Notification Access Screens
-Home Screens
-Job Details (About , Company, Review) Screen
-Write Company Review Screen
-Apply for Job, Application has been successfully Sent Screens
-Explore Screen
-Bookmark, Remove from Bookmark Screens
-Filter Screen
-Search Screen
-Notification Screen
-Chat, Chat Details, Video Call, Voice Call Screens
-Company Details (Open Jobs, About, Review, People, Gallery) Screens
-Intro Video, Gallery Screens
-Suggested Jobs from Home (See All) Screen
-Recent Jobs from Home (See All) Screen
-Your Profile, Contact Info, About Me, Experience, Education, Projects, Certification and Licenses, Volunteers Experience, Award & Achievements, Skills, Resume/CV, Your Profile Screens
-Profile, Personal Information, Analytics, My Application, My Application Status, Job Seeking Status, Settings, Notification Settings, Language, Password Manager, Help Center, Privacy Policy, Invite Friends, Logout Screens

Note: Images are Not Included in Attached Figma File.

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Figma File where 70+ Screens are there..

8.74 MB
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